• Harmonious colours act on the sense of sight
• The beeswax scent of modelling wax and crayons nourish the sense of smell
• The pleasant texture and form of the material helps to develop the sense of touch
• Form drawing helps to develop the sense of movement
• Modelling beeswax creates the sense of warmth
• The transparency of the colours appeal to the meaning of life
• The gradient of colour is effective for the sense of balance
The Stockmar Colour Harmony
• Based on the extended version of Goethe’s “Theory of Colours”
• Pleases the eyes and other senses
• Pleasant and natural colours
• All colours are intermixable
• Relates harmoniously to each other
• Applies to all Stockmar products
The colour scheme, based on Goethe’s colour circle, is consistent throughout the entire Stockmar assortment. It is important that almost all of Stockmar’s art and artistic products are available in this wide range of colours. Also, the individual colours, of those products match, for example, the carmine colour of the pencils and wax crayons, are the same carmine as the watercolours, the modelling beeswax and the decorating wax. Therefore the mixing techniques, such as crayons along with watercolours, are very harmonious. This specific choice of colours, the mutual harmony of the individual colours, and excellent mixing capabilities, we refer to as the Stockmar Colour Harmony.